N. Shibata, G. S. Painter, R. L. Satet, M. J. Hoffmann, S. J. Pennycook and P. F. Becher, “Rare-earth adsorption at intergranular interfaces in silicon nitride ceramics: Subnanometer observations and theory,” Phys. Rev. B, (2005) 72 140101(R).
T. Nakagawa, M. Yodogawa, T. Yamamoto, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Dopant-segregation-controlled ZnO single grain boundary varistors,” Appl. Phys. Lett., (2005) 86 152112.
M. Varela, A.R. Lupini, K. van Benthem, A.Y. Borisevich, M.F. Chisholm, N. Shibata, E. Abe, and S. J. Pennycook, “Materials Characterization in the Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope,” Annual Review of Materials Research 2005 (2005) 35 539–69.
T. Nakagawa, N. Shibata, K. Matsunaga, T. Yamamoto, I. Sakaguchi, H. Haneda and Y. Ikuhara, “Oxygen diffusion blocking of yttria-doped zirconia bicrystals,” J. Mater. Sci., (2005) 40, 3185-3190.
N. Shibata, F. Oba, T. Yamamoto and Y. Ikuhara, “Systematic study of grain-boundary atomistic structures and related properties in cubic zirconia bicrystals,” Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, (2005) 96 177-185.
A. Nakamura, N. Shibata, N. Morishige, T. Yamamoto and Y. Ikuhara, “Direct evidence of Dopant-enhanced Grain-Boundary Sliding in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Bicrystals,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., (2005)88 938-942.