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  1. H. Zeng, T. Takahashi, T. Seki, M. Kanai, G. Zhang, T. Hosomi, K. Nagashima, N. Shibata and T. Yanagida, “Oxygen-Induced Reversible Sn-Dopant Deactivation between Indium Tin Oxide and Single-Crystalline Oxide Nanowire Leading to Interfacial Switching,” ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 12, 52929–52936 (2020).

  2. C. Yang, B. Feng, J. Wei, E. Tochigi, S. Ishihara, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Atomic and electronic band structures of Ti-doped Al2O3 grain boundaries,” Acta Mater., 201, 488-493 (2020).

  3. Y. Xiao, C. Feng, J. Fu, F. Wang, C. Li, V.F. Kunzelmann, C.-M. Jiang, M. Nakabayashi, N. Shibata, I.D. Sharp, K. Domen and Y. Li, “Band structure engineering and defect control of Ta3N5 for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation,” Nature Catal., 3, 932-940 (2020).

  4. S. Ishihara, E. Tochigi, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Atomic structures of Ti-doped α-Al2O3 Σ13 grain boundary with a small amount of Si impurity,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 103, 6659-6665 (2020).

  5. K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, S. Kobayashi, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Dislocation and oxygen-release driven delithiation in Li2MnO3,” Nature Comm., 11, 4452 (2020).

  6. T. Mawson, A. Nakamura, T.C. Peterson, N. Shibata, H. Sasaki, D.M. Paganin, M.J. Morgan and S.D. Findlay, “Suppressing dynamical diffraction artefacts in differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy of long-range electromagnetic fields via precession,” Ultramicoscopy, 219, 113097 (2020).

  7. K. Miura, K. Fujiwara, K. Nakayama, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and A. Tsukazaki, “Stabilization of a honeycomb lattice of IrO6 octahedra by formation of ilmenite-type superlattices in MnTiO3,” Comm. Mater., 1, 55 (2020).

  8. T. Futazuka, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “First-principles calculations of group IIA and group IV impurities in α-Al2O3,” Phys. Rev. Mater., 4, 073602 (2020).

  9. J. Zhu, R. Osuga, R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, J. N Kondo, M. Ogura, J. Yu, T. Wakihara, Z. Liu, T. Okubo, “Ultrafast Encapsulation of Metal Nanoclusters into MFI Zeolite in the Course of Its Crystallization: Catalytic Application for Propane Dehydrogenation,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 19669-19674 (2020).

  10. S. Toyama, T. Seki, S. Anada, H. Sasaki, K. Yamamoto, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata, “Quantitative electric field mapping of a p–n junction by DPC STEM,” Ultramicoscopy, 216, 113033 (2020).

  11. Y.O. Murakami, T. Seki, A. Kinoshita, T. Shoji, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata, “Magnetic-structure imaging in polycrystalline materials by specimen-tilt-series averaged DPC STEM,” Microscopy 69, 312-320 (2020).

  12. T. Takata, J. Jiang, Y. Sakata, M. Nakabayashi, N. Shibata, V. Nandal, K. Seki, T. Hisatomi and K, Domen, “Photocatalytic water splitting with a quantum efficiency of almost unity,” Nature, 581, 411-414 (2020).

  13. R. Ishikawa, Y. Jimbo, M. Terao, M. Nishikawa, Y. Ueno, S. Morishita, M. Mukai, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “High spatiotemporal-resolution imaging in the scanning transmission electron microscope,” Microscopy, 69, 240-247 (2020).

  14. R. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, T. Taniguchi and Y. Ikuhara, “Three-Dimensional Imaging of a Single Dopant in a Crystal,” Phys. Rev. Appl., 13, 034064 (2020).

  15. SS. Chen, JJM. Vequizo, T. Hisatomi, M. Nakabayashi, L. Lin, Z. Wang, A. Yamakata, N. Shibata, T. Takata, T. Yamada and K. Domen, “Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on single-crystalline metal selenide particles with suitable cocatalysts,” Chem .Sci., 11, 6436-6441 (2020).

  16. E. Nurlaela, M. Nakabayashi, Y. Kobayashi, N. Shibata, T. Yamada and K. Domen, “Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition Ta 3 N 5 synthesis leading to high current density during PEC oxygen evolution,” Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4, 2293-2300 (2020).

  17. J. Wei, R. T. Ogawa, B. Feng, T. Yokoi, R. Ishikawa, A. Kuwabara, K. Matsunaga, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Direct Measurement of Electronic Band Structures at Oxide Grain Boundaries,” Nano Lett., 20, 2530-2536 (2020).

  18. T. Higashi, H. Nishiyama, Y. Otsuka, Y. Kawase, Y. Sasaki, M. Nakabayashi, M. Katayama, T. Minegishi, N. Shibata, K. Takanabe, T. Yamada and K. Domen, “Efficient Water Oxidation Using Ta3N5 Thin Film Photoelectrodes Prepared on Insulating Transparent Substrates,” ChemSusChem. 13, 1974-1978 (2020).​

  19. S. Sasano, R. Ishikawa, K. Kawahara, T. Kimura, Y.H. Ikuhara, N. Shibata and Y. Ikuhara, “Grain boundary Li-ion conductivity in (Li0.33La0.56)TiO3 polycrystal,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 116, 043901 (2020).

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